l’opéra et ses zouz

“L’opéra, quand tu le résumes, c’est comme les Feux de l’Amour”

“ Summarising an opera is like summarising Sex and the City ‘‘



Created in 2016 by Mia Mandineau, L’Opéra et ses Zouz established itself as the first European YouTube channel specialised in opera.

When Mia started her studies to become an opera singer, she discovered the masterpieces of the genre and decided to summaries their librettos in front of the camera.

Thanks to her casual and modern approach, the channel was very soon supported by prestigious lyrical institutions and praised in the press with regular articles and an invitation to Anne Sinclair’s TV show ‘Fauteuils d’Orchestre’.

Three years after its creation and many collaborations, the channel became bilingual and now offers videos in English as well as in French. Soon after this transition to a more international audience, the streaming platform OperaVision initiated a longterm partnership with L’Opéra et ses Zouz to produce videos connected to their program. 

In 2020, in a collaboration with Le Concert de l’Hostel-Dieu, L’Opéra et ses Zouz produced a series on female baroque composers to put these forgotten artists forward. Inspired by this new biographical format, Mia created in the same year a daily summer series on famous opera singers and young talents. 

During the season 2021-2022, L’Opéra et ses Zouz was supported by the production company Libelo and won a subvention from the French National Center of Cinematography (CNC).

Today, with more than 20.000 subscribers and many inventive video formats, L’Opéra et ses Zouz is the YouTube channel of reference in the world of opera.

Une vidéo nécessaire et éclairante, entre le reportage et l’outil pédagogique, qui rappelle une nouvelle fois que le corps des femmes est encore trop méconnu.
— Classique mais pas has been
La Youtubeuse s’exprime simplement et non sans humour, ce qui permet aux téléspectateurs qui n’y connaissent rien de se sentir à l’aise
Derrière l’humour, une analyse aussi fine que rythmée.
— Télérama